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What noises get on your nerves, Rob? Are there any noises that you can’t stand?
Oh, yes. I don’t like very loud, repetitive noises – like drilling concrete in the street, for example. It really gives me a headache.
Oh me too! What about when you’re indoors, though? Is noise still a problem?
Yes, it can be – particularly if you’re trying to concentrate on working or watching something on TV or at the cinema.
Well, the story that we’re going to look at involves a British actress who could not tolerate some loud noises she heard while performing in a London theatre. But more on that in a moment. First of all, though, a quiz question for you!
According to an EU publication, what percentage of people in Europe are exposed to road traffic noise levels which are higher than 55 decibels (dB)? Is it:
a) 40% b) 50% or c) 60%
a)40% b)50% 还是 c)60%
Well, 55dB is quite loud, I think it’s the sound of a normal street with quite a lot of cars and traffic, so I’ll say… b) 50%
We’ll find out if you’re right at the end of the programme. But for now, back to our story about noise.What would you do, Rob, if a noise was really disturbing, or bothering, you? Would you complain?
I think I’m too polite to complain – I don’t like to make a fuss. I’d probably put up with it and try to ignore it!
Well, that’s not what British actress Dame Helen Mirren did! During a recent performance at the Gielgud Theatre in London, the actress was interrupted by some very loud drumming from a festival outside and so went out to tell the drummers off, or shout at them. Listen to this first part of a report from BBC correspondent Sarah Harris: how does she describe the language the actress uses?
不过英国演员Dame Helen Mirren可没有这么做!最近,在伦敦吉尔古德剧院的一场演出中,女主角的演出被外面节日庆祝的击鼓声打断,于是她冲出剧场训斥鼓手,并对他们大喊大叫。我们来听一听BBC记者Sarah Harris发回的报道的前半段:对于这位演员所用的语言,我们来听听她是怎样描述的?
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