辛达雅思代报考位 :直到2018年7月18日上午雅思官网释放部分考位,在此提醒广大考生抓紧时间报名,注意自己的考试时间,如对雅思报名有任何疑问,欢迎咨询在线客服。
Yes. You know Rob, even I sometimes dream of something a bit more exciting like being a professional diver or maybe even a pilot of a really fast plane.
Well, guess what: even pilots get bored, you know?
Not when they are flying anyway.
Wrong. When they’re up in the air!
No way! Really? I don’t believe you!
Well, Missy Cummings, an American, was a fighter pilot. Listen to the phrasal verb she uses meaning to stop being bored, at least for a while.Is there ever time for a fighter pilot to get bored?
Missy Cummings是一名美国的战斗机飞行员。下面让我们来听听她用了什么短语动词来表示打发无聊的,至少稍微少无聊那么一点吧。战斗机飞行员会感到无聊吗?
Oh my gosh, sure, for the same reasons that commercial pilots get bored. These fighter jets are very automated when it comes to just holding altitude and heading. So you turn everything in autopilot and I probably listened to more Oprah Winfrey TV shows on the high-frequency radios… And so you get good about using the technology to figure out how to stave off that boredom.
噢天哪,当然了,我们无聊的原因和商业航空飞行员们是一样的。当只需要保持高度和航向的时候,这些战斗机是高度自动化的。我们只需要把一切都交给自动驾驶装置,所以这个时候我就会干点别的事,比方说用高频无线电收听Oprah Winfrey的脱口秀节目……所以当使用这些高科技来打发无聊的时候,我就会感觉好多了。
Ah, so she listened to a show hosted by the American presenter Oprah Winfrey on the radio to stave off her boredom. Now, to stave off means to stop or to keep an unpleasant feeling away. In this case she means boredom.
啊,这么说她是通过收听美国主持人Oprah Winfrey的节目来打发无聊的啊。打发无聊指的是做什么事情来停止无聊或者让不舒服的感觉远离自己。在这里指的就是无所事事的感觉。
Yes, indeed.
But some experts think there’s something good about feeling bored.
Let’s hear what Tiffany Watt-Smith has to say. She works for the Centre for the History of Emotions at the Queen Mary University of London. Pay attention to the word she uses to describe what boredom does to people.
让我们来听听Tiffany Watt-Smith是怎么说的吧。她在伦敦大学玛丽女王学院的情感历史中心工作,请大家注意一下她是如何描述无聊的情绪对人们的影响的。
On the one hand people are worried about being under-occupied and bored. On the other there’s a set of anxieties about us having any more downtime, you know. We can constantly check our phones at the bus stop. Everything is to be filled and what does that do to our minds? I think boredom is a very useful emotion. It’s an emotion which spurs people on to change something about their environment. If you’re bored that gives rise to creativity.
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