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【BBC Environment Analyst, Roger Harrabin】The surge in meat eating will drive more deforestation as farmers seek increasing amounts of land, the study says.Cutting forests releases greenhouse gases from the wood and the soil, and fertilisers create greenhouse gases too.The report says under current trends, agriculture alone will cause the world to bust its targets for reducing the risk of dangerous climate change.
【环境分析师 Roger Harrabin】研究表明,食肉量的增加会导致农民扩大养殖面积而砍伐森林。森林砍伐使得树木和土地释放温室气体,并且在肥料作用下会加剧效果。报告还表明,如果按照目前的趋势继续下去,仅需农业这一项,人类气候变化控制的警戒线将被打破。
So eating more meat means farmers need more land to keep their animals on. And to get more land, they need to cut down trees – which is called deforestation.
It’s deforestation – cutting down forests – that causes greenhouse gases from wood and soil to be released. And there’s another reason too – the use of fertilisers.
These are natural or chemical substances added to the soil to help plants grow. Like these plants, used to feed the animals.
And another problem is that more of the fields used for growing crops that we eat, like wheat, are being used to grow food to feed the animals that we later eat!
Research has also found beef cattle need 28 times more land than pork, poultry or dairy farming.
So it’s a big problem, but many of us have an appetite – a need or interest – for meat, especially for carnivores. Carnivores are really animals that just eat meat but we refer to humans as carnivores too sometimes because they just love meat. Something else is tempting us too.
Yes, something is encouraging us to eat more. See if you can hear what it is in the next part of Roger Harribin’s report…
是啊,其实人们爱吃肉也是受到一些事物的激励。来听听Roger Harribin的报告,试试能不能听出来答案。
【BBC Environment Analyst, Roger Harrabin】The real challenge is the public’s appetite. There’s a burger restaurant boom in major cities. People are voting with their bellies and it’s not normally mushroom burgers they’re after!
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