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Well, that is a lot!
It certainly is. And the group says that there are particular cases in which rich western countries are actually getting vaccines at a cheaper rate than poorer countries.That’s what Medecins Sans Frontieres says, and they’re asking for more transparency around prices.
Transparency means clarity, something done in an open way, without secrets.
Yes, they want to know the cost of the vaccines. Let’s hear what Rohit Malpani from Medecins Sans Frontieres has to say.See if you can spot the expression Malpani uses to describe how high the price of the vaccine is for some countries.
This is all a black box. It’s a black box in terms of the price they are charging to most countries around the world so they’re often charging prices that are wildly out of proportion with their ability to pay.
You have Morocco and Tunisia that now are paying higher prices than France for the pneumococcal vaccine.
We also simply do not know the cost of production and if GlaxoSmithKline says that it costs more than we are saying it does,
then they should simply submit to some sort of audit to ensure that we can verify the cost of production.
The expression which describes the relationship between the price asked and the ability to pay is ‘out of proportion’.It means it’s unrealistic or exaggerated.
And Malpani from Medecins Sans Frontieres says that Morocco and Tunisia are paying more than France – a much richer country – for a particular vaccine.
And his organisation wants transparency. They want to be able to verify the cost of production.To verify means to confirm that something is really true and they want the drug company to confirm that the cost to produce the vaccines is really as high as they say it is.
Well, at this point, we have to hear what the companies say.
Yes, because they argue that they already sell these vaccines at a discount, in other words, at a reduced price.
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