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辛达雅思代报考位 :直到2018年8月15日上午雅思官网释放部分考位,在此提醒广大考生抓紧时间报名,注意自己的考试时间,如对雅思报名有任何疑问,欢迎咨询在线客服。  

You mentioned the oil distribution; how does that work?

I was told the port will establish a bonded fuel filling center for the Northeast Asia.

When a ship comes to the Ningbo-Zhoushan port to fill the tank, the bonded oil is being sold at a cheaper price than those from inland. Ship owners can save up to 8 US dollars per ton.

Other than price advantage, the port is also in a 500 km range circle with Korea’s Busan and Japan’s Osaka, Kobe, Nagasaki.

Officials said they plan to build a bonded oil processing center as well, to support the fuel filling business.

Is there anything particularly interests you?

I visited the design center of China's first river and ocean-going cargo ship.

The design center is located in Zhoushan with many young but talented ship designers.

They told me the density of sea water is more than river water because of presence of a number of salts dissolved in it.

So when the ship enters the sea, the weight of water displaced is now more than what it was previously when the ship was in river. The up thrust increases and the ship rises up.

So this is one of the most important technic issues they have to overcome through many calculation and experiments, and they made it.

As a result, China's first river and ocean-going cargo ship, or Jiang Hai Zhi Da 1 in Chinese, set for the maiden voyage in April.

The voyage passed China's Yangtze River and the East China Sea.

Such a river-ocean combined journey used to require transshipments from a river to ocean or ocean to river, but now with the ship, it is able to sail in both river and sea.

So far, the cargo ship has made 19 voyages, with 400,000 tons of cargo, generated more than 1 million US dollars revenue, and is expected to have more presence upstream on the Yangtze River.

That was CRI's Min Rui, part of the 'Streaming Down the Yangtze' team, at Ningbo-Zhoushan Port on the East China Sea.

辛达代报在此提示广大考生根据官网考试时刻报名,合理安排自个的报名时刻,考生如对考试的时间、截止日期还有官网开释考位状况不清楚的,欢迎咨询在线客服(QQ:4003571 QQ:4005178  旺旺:xindatuofu  电话:13811803490、13811805490、13811806470、13811807490 微信:ixindacom),辛达代报预祝考生在考试中取得好成绩!

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