辛达雅思代报考位 :直到2018年8月1日上午雅思官网释放部分考位,在此提醒广大考生抓紧时间报名,注意自己的考试时间,如对雅思报名有任何疑问,欢迎咨询在线客服。
So Rob, are you saying the more sleep I get, the cleverer I will be?
Not exactly - but we could put that to the test now by seeing if you know the answer to this week’s question.This is about Randy Gardner, who holds the world record for the longest period of time without sleep. Do you know how long he stayed awake for? Was it: a) 5 days b) 8 days c) 11 days
也不完全是。但我可以给你做个测试,看看你是否知道本期问题的答案。问题与Randy Gardner有关,他曾创下最长时间不睡觉的世界纪录。那么你知道他有多久没睡觉吗?A.5天 B.8天 C.11天
Rob, I’m going to go for the ambitious c) 11 days without sleep.
Well, I’ll let you know the answer at the end of the programme, if you can stay awake that long! Now, let’s talk more about this link between sleep and the ability to learn.Researchers from Boston College in the USA have found the lack of sleep is a significant – so important – factor in lowering the achievement of school pupils. The findings could be relevant to any of us who are trying to learn something.
That’s true. The most interesting fact is that it is more of a problem in affluent countries – so wealthier countries such as the United States, England, France and Saudi Arabia.
Students here are more affected by influences from their home life.
You’re talking about computers and TVs in their bedrooms and using smartphones?Yes, that’s right. They’re tempted by all this technology instead of just getting their heads down and having a good night’s sleep.The survey found 80% of 13 and 14-year-olds in the US were identified by their teachers as being affected by lack of sleep. The international average was 57%.
Let’s hear from William Myers who is the Principal at South River High School in the United States.He says this is a challenge for teachers. What other word does he use to mean ‘lacking in energy’?
接下来让我们听一段美国南河高中校长William Myers的讲话。他提到教师们面临着很大挑战。请仔细听他用哪个词表示缺乏精力。
If we didn’t make our classes more engaging, we would see a decline in our performance.We would see that school-wide, and in many of our classes, we would see students who were lethargic, sleepy, maybe heads down at the end of the day.So we have to put a lot of work into keeping them alert and keeping them excited about school.
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