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Sizzling. The word just sounds like sausages cooking. They look delicious at three o’clock in the morning, I wonder why?! But people eat them, or consume them, with a sense of guilt, they know they shouldn’t eat them but they do!
Yes, and some people worry about the affect on their stomachs, or what the reporter called ’gastric foreboding’. But despite that, it’s part of the Prague experience!
Indeed. The Mayor of Prague’s First District says the klobasa stands are part of the city’s cultural heritage. They are as crucial to Prague as the hot dog is to NewYork.
So they are very important. But maybe not for much longer as this main street, or thoroughfare, is going to have a makeover. That means they want to improve or change the appearance of the area.
Let’s hear more of the report from Rob Cameron about what the City Council is planning to do. Listen out for the word he uses to mean birds:
Architects want to pedestrianise and gentrify the area, removing the dozen or so old sausage stalls with their greasy pavements and overflowing bins that attract both human and avian scavengers. In their place will be six salubrious establishments, offering not just sausages but cut flowers and croissants, more in line with a modern European metropolis. The humble klobasa, it seems, no longer cuts the mustard.
So the City Council’s plans include allowing people to walk around freely and not allowing any vehicles. In other words, pedestrianise the area. They are going to remove the overflowing bins because they attract human and avian scavengers.
So these are humans and birds who hunt through the bins looking for old bits of food to eat, yuk! They’re going to be replaced by six salubrious establishments, in other words, six clean, pleasant and smart shops.
They’ll still be selling sausages but also cut flowers and croissants. It’s felt this will make it more like a modern European city or metropolis.
Interesting! Selling croissants and cut flowers make it a modern city! They’re not the best things to eat when you are hungry or hung-over! I feel sorry for the humble klobasa.
Well as the report said, the klobasa no longer cuts the mustard. To ’cut the mustard’ is a good expression. It means it no longer comes up to expectations.And now Rosie, it’s time to see if you have cut the mustard with the answer to this week’s question.
This was about world-record-breaking sausages.
Yes. Earlier I asked you, approximately, what is the length of the longest sausage ever made? Is it: d) 59 metrese) 5.9 kilometresf) 59 kilometres
And I said 5.9 kilometres.
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