辛达雅思代报考位 :直到2018年7月24日上午雅思官网释放部分考位,在此提醒广大考生抓紧时间报名,注意自己的考试时间,如对雅思报名有任何疑问,欢迎咨询在线客服。
Err, Neil?
呃, Neil?
(Monkey sounds)
Neil, are you OK?
(Monkey sounds)
Actually that wasn’t Neil, you’ll be glad to know, he is safe and sound here in the studio with me.
Hello. Yes, that wonderful sound you just heard was in fact a gelada – a kind of monkey – which we’ll be hearing more from later in the programme.
Yes. Could the gelada monkey provide an important clue about the development of human language?But first, as always, we have a question. Neil – could you please tell me what geladas eat?a) fishb) grassc) ice-cream
Well, I can see you’re trying to trap me with ice-cream here, because the name of the monkey sounds like the Italian word for ice-cream.So, I’m not that stupid, I’m going to go for ’b’, grass.
Wonderful knowledge of Italian there Neil.Don’t worry I’m not trying to make a monkey out of you – I’m not trying to make you look stupid.Now let’s listen to the gelada monkey again.(Gelada monkey gurgling)
How would we describe that sound?
Well, it sounds a bit like a gargle – a gargling noise.
Yes, it does. Gargle is a great word because it’s an example of what we call onomatopoeia – a word which sounds like its meaning.Neil, gargle is the word, could you please demonstrate a gargle?
(Neil gargles)
Very good. Neil is gargling – and the sound it makes is a gargle. That’s lovely!
Can I stop now?
Yes, you can stop now. Thank you very much.How about another quick example of onomatopoeia.(Clicks mouse) A click. Listen again. Click.
是的,你现在 可以停了。非常感谢。再快速来一个拟声的例子如何?(点击鼠标)单击。再听一遍。单击。
辛达代报在此提示广大考生根据官网考试时刻报名,合理安排自个的报名时刻,考生如对考试的时间、截止日期还有官网开释考位状况不清楚的,欢迎咨询在线客服(QQ:4003571 QQ:4005178 旺旺:xindatuofu 电话:13811803490、13811805490、13811806470、13811807490 微信:ixindacom),辛达代报预祝考生在考试中取得好成绩!
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