辛达雅思代报考位 :直到2018年7月13日上午雅思官网释放部分考位,在此提醒广大考生抓紧时间报名,注意自己的考试时间,如对雅思报名有任何疑问,欢迎咨询在线客服。
This incident has made people discuss the issue of privacy on the internet.Privacy means being free from public attention. And in this programme you’ll hear useful words for giving your opinion on this subject.
Yes. The celebrities were very angry.
They thought they could keep their pictures private because they were in the cloud protected by a password -a word or sequence of numbers that only they knew and which is required for them to gain access to what is stored in their name.
The US federal police - that’s the FBI - have been investigating this to find the hackers involved. Hackers are people who understand a lot about computers and use flaws - or little problems - in the software to gain access to a computer file, or network, illegally.
Today we have passwords for everything. And we have so many devices - like smartphones and laptops and computers -so I’m going to ask you a question about smartphones.
OK. Very good.
According to research, how many people had mobile phones in 2013? Was it:a) 1.4 million peopleb) 14 million peoplec) 1.4 billion people
根据调查,2013年全球持有手机的人数是多少呢?选项有:a) 140 万人b) 1400 万人c) 14 亿人
Across the whole world?
I think this is got to be: c) 1.4 billion people.
我觉得应该是c) 14 亿人.
Well, you’ll get the correct answer at the end of the programme. Right. Let’s talk more about privacy online. People are more and more concerned about it.Listen to the advice internet expert Oliver Crofton gives us. Which word does he use to describe how you have to be when putting things into the cloud?
答案将来节目最后揭晓。继续来聊聊网上隐私安全吧,越来越多的人重视这个问题。来听听互联网专家Oliver Crofton怎么说。他是用哪个词描述我们将事物放入云时的状态呢?
【Oliver Crofton, expert on the internet】I think ultimately it’s about being slightly savvy on what you put into the cloud.If you have a private or sensitive photograph, or a contract or some sort of document that has public interest and that people will want to try and get, just think twice about putting it into an environment such as a Cloud, of which you don’t really have any control over.
【Oliver Crofton,互联网专家】我认为人们在将事物上传云时,最终头脑会更加清明。如果这张照片是涉及隐私或者敏感内容,或者内容涉及公众利益而其他人有篡夺之心,在将内容上传到你所不能完全掌控的环境,比如云,你应该三思而后行。
He says people have to be ’savvy’ - now, that means well-informed and quite shrewd, you know, thinking carefully about things.He advises us to be very careful before putting documents and pictures onto these websites owned by big corporations.
Yes, because he says we don’t have any control over their computers - you don’t know how secure your documents are.
Yeah, you know Rob, I can see why people are suspicious of these things.
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