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Well, in this programme we’re talking about wealth. The world is getting richer, Harry.
Really? How come?
Well, according to recent data, the number of people living in extreme poverty has halved in recent decades. More people own a car and a mobile phone.
So, that’s all very good news. More people can have a good standard of living – standard of living is what we call the amount of money and quality of life people have in a particular society.
People in general may have a better life but there’s still a lot of inequality in different countries. Inequality - in other words some people have a lot of money and opportunities and others just don’t.
So, individual governments have to find a way of reducing this inequality, to allow more people to have the opportunity to improve their lives.
Yes. In this programme we‘re talking about the gap between rich and poor and you’ll learn some words which will help you discuss this topic or read about it in the news. And now our quiz, Harry.
Ah, the legendary quiz! I’m ready!
Good. Right. A recent report by Oxfam and Credit Suisse revealed how divided we all are when it comes to wealth. A lot of the wealth in the world is in the hands of very few people. That’s what I’m going to ask you about, Harry. How much of the global wealth is owned by the richest 1%? Is it:a)38%b)48% orc) 58%
好。牛津饥荒救济委员会和瑞士信贷最近发布的报告显示了贫富的巨大差距。世界的大部分财富掌握在少数人手中。问题来了,哈里。请问这1%的富人掌握了世界多少财富呢?a) 38%b) 48% c) 58%
Well, it’s only 1% of the population, so I would have to guess the lower one, 38%. Surely they can’t own more than that!
只有1% 的人口,那我猜应该是最少的一个选项吧,38%。他们肯定不能掌握太多财富。
Well, we’ll see if you got the right answer at the end of the programme. Now, let’s talk about rich and poor.As we said, experts have concluded that more people are living better when you look at the world as a whole, but in individual countries you can find people with hardly anything to eat…
…and others with lots of houses, cars, land and so on… So, Rob, how can this situation be reversed?
Well, David Bryer from Oxfam mentions a country which has achieved some success in trying to make the poor less poor. He is talking about Brazil. Listen to what Bryer says and tell me: what are the two words he uses meaning ‘the least money people are paid for the work they do’?
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