辛达雅思代报考位 :直到2018年6月30日上午雅思官网释放部分考位,在此提醒广大考生抓紧时间报名,注意自己的考试时间,如对雅思报名有任何疑问,欢迎咨询在线客服。
Before writers were blocked the other metaphors that were used were things like drying up… or being frozen or stuck in a rut and so forth.And the difference between being blocked and drying up is that in the case of blockage the problem is externalised and objectified– it’s not yourself that’s the problem– it’s something that’s outside you like an obstacle or an impediment– something that you could really cut away, and as a consequence a cure like a growth or a foreign body.
So writer’s block is a metaphor for an obstacle– something external rather than internal inside of you – that’s preventing you from working.Doesn’t that sound like an excuse for not doing anything, Alice?It’s not my fault – this impediment thing is getting in the way.
Yes. Well, impediment is another word for obstacle.But how do you cut away a foreign body that isn’t actually there?
I suppose psychoanalysts have an answer for that.But seriously, I think writers probably do have a hard time.You can sit down at your desk every morning at 9 o’clock to write but that doesn’t mean you’re going to think of things to say.Though we’re never stuck for words, are we?
Not usually, Neil, no.But did you know that the Ancient Greeks had Muses – or goddesses of creativity – to help them?
So… Beyoncé isn’t a real muse?I’ve heard people say, you know, Beyoncé is my muse;she’s such a great singer, songwriter, dancer, role model!
Well, these days, ’muse’ can refer to anyone who inspires an artist, writer, or musician.But in Ancient Greece, there were nine Muses – and depending on what type of creative thing you did– philosophy, poetry, science and so on – you invoked – or called upon – that particular Muse to inspire you.
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