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Diane Purkiss. So these Hollywood remakes aimed at the teen market are actually returning fairy tales to an adult audience.
上述是Diane Purkiss的讲述。所以好莱坞翻拍电影瞄准成年人市场实际上是将童话故事回归成年人。
That’s right, Neil. And dark here means scary or frightening.The Victorians toned down this dark content – or made it less forceful. They also introduced a moral – or message about what’s right and wrong – to the tales.
And inception means the beginning. So fairy tales began as a dark genre.
Can you give us some examples of dark stories written by the brothers Grimm, Neil?
Well… I have a list here. Let’s see.In The Frog Prince the princess doesn’t kiss the frog, she throws it…she throws it against the wall! Hmm, yes.
Hmm. I prefer the kiss version.
And in Little Red Riding Hood don’t believe that version where the wolf shuts granny in a cupboard.In the real version he gobbles her up and then eats Red Riding Hood for dessert.
Charming. And to gobble something up means to eat it very fast.OK, that’s enough. Let’s move on.Did you know that some of the stories – like Beauty and the Beast, Red Riding Hood, Cinderella, and Snow White go back much further than the earliest written stories – even the ones in Latin and Greek?
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