童话里的世界 What's in a fairy tale?1


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And I’m Neil. So, Sophie I watched Snow White and the Huntsman on TV last night.
Oh, you mean the modern retelling of the story Snow White? Did you enjoy it, Neil?
It was OK. But the seven dwarves were no fun.I prefer the original Disney cartoon version.
Don’t be silly, Neil. Walt Disney didn’t invent the story. The movie you watched is a remake, a film that has been made again, but the fairy tale is very old.
Well, that may be true, but I still prefer the Disney version with funny dwarves. In the new version, even the names of the dwarves are different and, you know, serious looking.
But this new version is for young adults – it’s a different genre – or style – of film. Names like Sneezy, Dopey, Happy and Grumpy are too childish.
Hmm. What’s wrong with childish?
It’s right up your street, isn’t it Neil?
Too right.
Anyway, fairy tales are the subject of today’s show, and I have a question for you:which movie star played the role of the evil fairy in Maleficent, a 2014 film based on the fairy tale Sleeping Beauty?Was it…a) Cate Blanchett?b) Angelina Jolie?Or c) Meryl Streep?
总之,今天节目的主题是童话故事,我有一个问题要问你:在2014年上映,改编自童话故事睡美人的电影《沉睡魔咒》中,哪位电影明星饰演了邪恶仙女?a) 凯特布兰切特?b)安吉丽娜朱莉?还是 c) 梅丽尔斯特里普?
Well, I’ll go for a) Cate Blanchett.She often plays evil characters.I can’t forget her in the 2008 movie Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.
我选a) 凯特布兰切特。她经常饰演反面角色。我一直忘不了她在2008年的电影《印地安纳琼斯:水晶骷髅王国》中塑造的角色。
Well, we’ll find out if you chose the right move star later on in the programme. But to return to the idea of childish fairy stories, let’s listen to Diane Purkiss, a children’s author, talking about how originally fairy tales were intended for an adult audience.
好吧,之后我们再看你回答得是否正确。回到幼稚的童话故事上来,我们听听儿童作家Diane Purkiss讲述原本童话故事的目标人群是成年观众。
Interestingly there has been a bit of a move towards seeing fairy tales as an adult, or at any rate a young adult – a dark sort of genre.And that’s natural because actually in the past fairy tales were told by adults to adults in William Shakespeare’s time.It’s only in the Victorian era that they become moral children’s tales and it looks like we’re going back to the inception of fairy stories now with a more adult take on them.

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