This traditional festival, originated from Catholicism, has become a grand COSPLAY carnival nowadays all over the world. Due to the different era background, the Halloween outfit is not the same. To some degree, it is also a day about creativity.
There are many interesting festival activities, being popular in the whole world. What are they? The first activity is dressing up in costumes, such as witches, vampires, ghosts, etc. People in different ages organize parties to celebrate it. The second one is Trick or Treat. On that day, most children usually dress up in costumes to knock others’ doors, aiming to ask for some candies or toys, etc. If they don’t get the treats, they will play tricks on the house owners. Making pumpkin lanterns, also called Jack o' Lantern is a popular activity as well. This tradition originated from a folk story. It is said that there was a guy named Jack who cheated the evil in the hell world. Then he was punished to wander around in the world with a lantern to keep away from human beings. The lantern was made of turnip with candles in it. Gradually, Jack was forgiven by the human beings, but this tradition was kept. People now use pumpkins to take the place of turnips, discovering that they serve the purpose quite nicely.
盛装打扮,穿上特别的服装,戴上面具等,是万圣节最盛行的风俗之一。Trick or Treat则是孩子们喜爱的一个活动。孩子们穿戴打扮的服装串门,讨一些例如糖块、玩具之类的treats。假如他们没有拿到treats,就会对那户人家实施 trick。 Jack o' Lantern的传统起源于一个民间故事。一个叫Jack的男孩很爱恶作剧,逝世后由于省钱做坏事不能去天堂,下了阴间,但他用恶作剧诈骗并且吓到了一个魔鬼,以此让魔鬼答应他给他施法永远不会违法,最终,阴间长知道后,就把他赶出阴间,让他游离在人世,为了避开人来,他拿着一个南瓜灯以便利躲藏。后来, Jack 被我们宽恕,但是我们依旧在效仿。陈旧的萝卜灯演变到今日,则是南瓜做的 Jack-O-Lantern 了,我们发现南瓜灯相当美观。
The Halloween of 2015 is coming on this Saturday. Let’s enjoy!
1.Halloween, or Hallowe'en, also known as Allhalloween, All Hallows' Eve, or All Saints' Eve, is a yearly celebration observed in a number of countries on 31 October, the eve of the Western Christian feast of All Hallows' Day .
改写成:Halloween, or Hallowe'en, which is also known as Allhalloween, All Hallows' Eve, or All Saints' Eve, is a yearly celebration which/that is observed in a number of countries on 31 October, the eve of the Western Christian feast of All Hallows' Day .
2.This traditional festival, originated from Catholicism, has become a grand COSPLAY carnival nowadays all over the world.
改写成:This traditional festival, which is originated from Catholicism, has become a grand COSPLAY carnival nowadays all over the world.
3.Making pumpkin lanterns, also called Jack o' Lantern is a popular activity as well.
改写成:Making pumpkin lanterns, which is also called Jack o' Lantern is a popular activity as well.
4.It is said that there was a guy named Jack who cheated the evil in the hell world.
改写成:It is said that there was a guy who was named Jack who cheated the evil in the hell world.
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