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雅思大作文综合类范文解析 Mellon Mellon的英语人生Topic: A good way for a country to prepare the future is to invest more resources in its young 

people. Do you agree or disagree? What are good ways to spend resources on them?(社会类)



Youth, which makes up the majority population of a society, is always regarded as the greatest wealth and strength of a country. 2) They will 

engage in every stage of a society’s development and the quality of youth determines the future that a nation will have. (45words)

争辩类段:总观点 分观点1 证明 分观点2 证明

Undoubtedly, young generations deserve government funding and investments. 1). The primary reason is thatyoung people play a significant role 

in a country’s social and economic development. Sinceyoung people will take the place of old populations as nation builders and policy makers, 

the government should direct funding and resources towards them so that their energy, intelligence and creativity are fully and properly explored. 

2) Another importance of the young lies intheir potential to achieve civilized governance. Most young people are advocators for basic political 

rights, such asthe freedom to vote, the freedom of speech and the right to form groups. Obviously, when they take charge of political processes, 

they are more likely to focus on civil liberties. (117words)

For a bright future and great prosperity, every single country around the world aims to invest more in their young generations. 1). The most 

effective way isto make education more available to young people throughout a country. By doing so, young people are expected to become 

knowledgeable, analytical, creative and open-minded, whichensures workforce and high productivity for a nation as a whole. 2). Besides, 

government spending should focus more on health care of young people. For example, more free or low-cost medical care should be provided to

 young people with medical problems, in order to improve their health level and prolong life span of citizens in a country as a whole. (111words)

结尾段:重申观点 主张

1). If sufficiently invested and properly guided, youth would serve as powerful driving forces of development and progress in a society. 2) Thus, 

investing in youth gives a nation better prospect and how to spend resources on them is worth careful consideration. (40 words)

(总:313 words)




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