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We got the octopus as a very special evolutionary product. It’s an animal that’s removed from us by a lot of evolutionary distance. The common ancestor that we share with an octopus lived about 600 million years ago or actually even a bit longer than that. But it has a large nervous system in a range comparable to vertebrates.
So our common ancestor lived about 600 million years ago or maybe a little bit longer than that.
And he says that the octopus has a nervous system that is comparable to vertebrates. Comparable means ’similar to’, ’like’.And vertebrates is the term for the group of animals that have a spine or backbone. We humans are examples of vertebrates.
So what Godfrey-Smith is saying is that the squishy octopus has a nervous system which has some similarities to our own.In that it’s quite large.
And a large nervous system is a sign of intelligence. He goes on to talk a bit more about how we might be able to relate to the octopus. He talks about the protean nature of its body. Protean is an adjective which means ’adaptable or changeable’. And the octopus’s body is certainly that. Why might that be a problem for us?
The sensory world of an octopus has, in some way it’s recognisable. They’re very visual animals, they’re very taste-oriented animals and those things make sense to us. But the absence of hard parts, the protean nature of the body and the sort of extent of the sensitivity makes it a hard thing to think about.
This is interesting, isn’t it? So the octopus uses its senses of vision and taste, like we do, and this is something we can recognise. But what is tricky for us is that its form is so completely different from ours. The octopus isn’t a vertebrate, so it can change its form and its shape very easily.
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