street food isn’t


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Yes, he says that it’s really taken off. Taken off is one of those phrasal verbs that can be used in many different ways. In this sense, when something takes off, it means it becomes successful and popular.
是的,他说那真的受到欢迎。“Taken off”是动词词组之一,可以有许多不同的使用方法。从这个意思上来说,当某事受到欢迎,那意味着它变得成功以及流行起来。
You know, street food isn’t really something you associate with Britain. Perhaps it’s the climate or British food, so street food is something that we are now getting used to and enjoying more. In fact Mark says that it’s now becoming mainstream. This means that is no longer something that is seen as being unusual or different. It’s becoming an accepted part of the everyday eating experience.
Well, let’s listen again to Mark Laurie talking about the growth of street food in the UK.
It’s been phenomenal the growth in street food. It’s really taken off. It’s really become quite mainstream, part of the cultural fabric of the country really. So it’s beginning to be, certainly in the bigger cities and increasingly in the sort of provinces, if you like.
Mark Laurie goes on to talk about why street food has become popular. What kind of food does he say it’s not like?
Yeah, it’s just really captured the imagination of the public. It’s honest food, it’s authentic food and it’s people that you can trust making it. It’s not some microwave food or whatever that you might get in your local pub.
So street food is many things, but what isn’t it?
Well, he says that it’s not like food you might get in some pubs. That food he says may be some microwave food, which is food prepared in a microwave oven.
You know I quite like a microwave meal now and then. And I reheat my leftovers in the microwave.
But I guess if you were paying for a nice meal, you wouldn’t expect reheated leftovers! I think the point he is making is that in many places the food you are served is not freshly made. It may be pre-prepared and finished off in a microwave. Street food, he says, is authentic.
Yes, authentic. It’s real, fresh and cooked right in front of you. And if it’s food from a particular country, it’s probably being prepared by people from that culture.
He also says that this has captured the imagination of the public. It’s something that the public have experienced and thought - ’yep, you know, I like this, this is a great idea.’
Well, all this talk of food is making me hungry, so let’s get the answer to the quiz and review today’s vocabulary before we head off and grab a bite to eat. We asked about the age of bread discovered by archaeologists in Jordan. Was it a) 18,000 years old, b) 14,000 years or c) 5,500 years?
好的,这个关于食物的讨论都让我饿了,所以让我们揭晓今天节目的答案吧,并且在我们离开去吃点东西之前让我们回顾一下今天的单词。我们问由约旦考古学家发现的保存最久的面包有多少年了。是a) 1.8万年 b) 1.4万年,还是 c) 5500年?

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