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Oh, I’m not too sure. But I am thinking about those nature CDs, the ones with the waterfall sounds and birds in the forest and things like that.
Well, for me a dream is all about adventure - all about going up a mountain and discovering somewhere new or exploring a new country. But it’s good to keep in mind that this technology is in the experimental stage. They even plan to find a way so that when you wake up, the app will prompt you to feedback exactly what your dream was and how you felt.
So they are still working to develop this project.
Yes, they are. But let’s listen to the final part of John McManus’s report to find out how the technology might be used if it is successful.
A successful experiment could lead to new ways of treating depression and stress. It may also enhance creativity – Paul McCartney was said to have woken from a dream with the Beatles hit ’Yesterday’ going through his mind, and Mary Shelley was inspired by a dream to write the horror story ’Frankenstein’. Most of us of course, will be hoping for sweeter dreams than that.
I liked the idea that it could make us even more creative. John McManus said that it may enhance creativity and the mention of the ex-Beatle Paul McCartney is really enticing. He came up with so many great songs!
And the English novelist Mary Shelley was also very creative when she wrote the horror story, Frankenstein.
I would have thought that Frankenstein is more of a nightmare.
Talking about nightmares, let’s go back to our challenge, Rosie. I will repeat the question, the three options and you can guess the right one. What do the former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, the former French leader Napoleon Bonaparte and the famous English nurse Florence Nightingale have in common? Is it:a) They all dreamt of becoming farmers when they were children but ended up becoming something else.b) They all suffered from a recurring nightmare of being bitten by spiders.c) They all usually slept for just four hours a night.
Oh, that’s a very difficult question. I think I’m going to go for (b) – the nightmare of being bitten by spiders.
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