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I can agree with that! And previous trends included colouring-in – these books have black and white outline pictures that you fill in with colours.
I used to do that as a child. Very therapeutic!
Therapeutic – making you feel more relaxed and less anxious – it’s related to the word therapy…
Although the colouring-in trend is dwindling - it’s becoming weaker.They’re selling fewer colouring-in books.
So – trends come and go, but the industry is going from strength to strength.
To go from strength to strength means to remain strong, or get even stronger! Why?
go from strength to strength是指仍然很强大,甚至越来越强。这是为什么呢?
Dr Jennifer Wild, a psychologist from Oxford University, believes that the internet is a big factor.
We’ve got used to searching for solutions online, and now these solutions even include how to fix or improve our lives.
And psychologist Caroline Beaton, writing on Forbes.com, said she believes that millennials are a big factor.
How do we define the term millennial? Also known as Generation Y – are people born between the mid-1980s and early 2000s. It’s a common term in the news – often because people born in this time in the West are seen to have certain characteristics.
They’re sometimes described as lazy and obsessed with themselves– and while that’s not necessarily true, Caroline Beaton says millennials are highly self-critical.
Self-critical – they are aware of their own faults – which also means they’re more likely to spend time or money on self-help.She says they spend twice as much as Generation Xers. Generation X refers to people born between the late 60s and around 1980.
And one more possible reason why the self-help industry does well: it’s very resistant to recessions.When the economy does badly – as we say it goes into recession – people are perhaps even more likely to reach for self-help to improve their situation.
So there we are.Now, let’s go back to another recession – the Great Depression of the 1930s in America– and to my question about which self-help book was published first?
Well – I said a) How to Win Friends and Influence People.
我选的是a) 《人性的弱点》
In fact – two of these books were published in the late 1930s, How to win friends and influence people, by Dale Carnegie, was first in 1936.It has since sold over 30 million copies.Think and grow rich, by Napoleon Hill, was published in 1937, and is believed to have sold over 100 million copies!
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