1) 汉语傍边的“红”:
红糖brown sugar;红茶black tea;红榜honour roll;红豆love pea ;红运good luck 盈余dividend(a part of a company’s profit that is divided among the people with shares in the company);a red battle血战;red tape官僚作风(official rules that seem unnecessary and prevent things from being done quickly and easily)
red sky 彩霞
早霞不出门,晚霞行千里:red sky at night, shepherd’s delight red sky in the morning, shepherd’s warning.
2) 皮肤白净不宜译成:she has a white skin. 而宜译为she has a fair skin/complexion( someone who is fair, or who has fair hair or skin, has hair or skin that is very light in colour)
3) Become red-faced/turn red 脸红,不好意思,难为情
see red 大发脾气:to become very angry
The maxim(a well-known phrase or saying, especially one that gives a rule for sensible behaviour) was that when a married couple saw red lawyers saw green.(在美国钞票是绿色的,所以绿色代表金钱或有经济实力的)
绿色还能够表明没有经验,常识浅陋green hand greenhorn(someone who lacks experience of something)
a green old age表明美好的晚年,精力矍铄的晚年
汉语傍边的绿仅有戴绿帽子之说 to be a cuckold (an insulting word for a man whose wife has been having sex with another man)
4) 红眼病green-eyed 红眼病(医学)pink eyes
5) 黄色 标志低级趣味,庸俗猥亵pornographic(色情的);filthy (淫秽的very dirty,showing or describing sexual acts in a very rude or offensive way) ;vulgar(庸俗的,下贱的remarks, jokes etc that are vulgar deal with sex in a very rude and offensive way);obscene(淫秽的,猥亵的)
英文中却用蓝色表明:blue jokes下贱的打趣;blue revolution 性解放;blue films黄色电影;blue software黄色软件
汉语傍边还有和英文傍边的毫不相干的:黄道吉日(good luck),黄毛丫头(a silly little girl)
英文傍边yellow还有胆怯的意思(cowardly)you are yellow.
6) 蓝色:英汉傍边的蓝色都能够指天高气爽的天空色,给人以辽远,安静的感觉。蓝色在英文傍边的引申义比较多,能够指忧愁:in a blue mood, to have the blues, look blue, Holiday blue=winter holiday depression特指圣诞节降临,飞雪不停,人们被困在家里,感到孤寂;也指圣诞节降临前,因经济窘迫而无力购买年货和礼物,显得寒碜而心境郁郁寡欢。
blue Monday 倒运的周一
7) 白色white lie无害而好心的谎话,the white coffee牛奶咖啡
8) 黑色:代表死色black tidings(old use: news) 噩耗,不幸的音讯 The Black Friday阴险不祥的日子(耶稣在复生节前的星期五受难)
黑色还代表着气愤和恼怒:black in the face脸色铁青 look black on sb怒目而视
黑色还代表着严肃,威严和显贵 black suit黑色西装,black dress黑色礼衣
汉语傍边的黑往往与凶恶有关:黑心evil mind;黑手 evil backstage manipulator ;黑幕inside story of a plot
色彩的翻译是多方面的,很难有结论,还许多总结多翻译,看如下比如:Mr. Brown is a very white man. He was looking rather green the other day. He has been feeling blue lately. When I saw him he was in a brown study. I hope he’ll be in the pink again.
9) 黄色在我国代表着帝王之色,在西方则变成紫色
10) 色彩与政治 red army指的是恐怖组织
11) 色彩与经济
red ink赤字, in the red赔本, in the black盈余, white goods白色货品(指冰箱,洗衣服,煤气灶等家用电器), brown goods棕色货品(指电视机,录音机,音响等电子产品), green power 金钱的力气, gray area指赋闲严重的区域, blue button指有权力进入股票交易所的经纪人。
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