我们的血液 Blood


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辛达雅思代报考位 :直到2018年6月22日上午雅思官网释放部分考位,在此提醒广大考生抓紧时间报名,注意自己的考试时间,如对雅思报名有任何疑问,欢迎咨询在线客服。

  哈哈!是的,你可以接近一场感冒或流感,但是一段容易让人接近的音乐意味着它很容易学会,很容易黏在你的脑海中很长一段时间。这里是音乐家Terry Dobson 列举的关于一些朗朗上口的音乐片段。
Even in the film industry - just a few notes, five notes – Close Encounters of the Third Kind, and Jaws and 007 – only a few notes but those notes, you’ve only to hear them played by any instrument and you know instantly what the tune is.
Some great examples there of tunes which can become ear worms. You only need to sing about 5 notes of the James Bond theme and people will recognise the tune.And he also talked about the theme tune – that’s the main tune - for the films Jaws and Close Encounters of the Third Kind.
这些小曲调中有一些能够曾为耳蠕虫。你只需要哼唱关于James Bond 主题的5段音乐,人们就能听出这段旋律。这位音乐家还讲到了主题曲调——是指主要曲调,比如电影《第三类接触》和《大白鲨》。
See if you can remember them, listeners. Musician Terry Dobson said you can hear those notes played by any musical instrument and you know exactly where the music comes from.In fact I noticed in the new James Bond film they only needed to play two notes before you recognise the music immediately!
看你是否认识这些旋律。音乐家Terry Dobson说,你可以认出任何乐器演奏的这些旋律,你就清楚知道这些音乐来自哪。事实上我注意到新的James Bond 电影中,他们仅仅需要弹奏两段旋律,人们就能立即想起这段音乐。
Am I guessing – du duh.
Exactly! Now let’s look at some of the science behind ear worms. There are two features which seem to be common in catchy bits of music.
Let me guess – repetitive sounds. And easy to remember tunes?
Kind of. Long notes and spaces – what’s known as intervals in music – spaces which are very close together.Dr Lauren Stewart of Goldsmiths University in London has been analysing the features of very common ear worms:
类似。长音符和间隔——作为音乐中的间隔——那些紧密相连的节奏停顿。伦敦金史密斯大学的Lauren Stewart博士一直在分析耳蠕虫的特征:
A tune or a part of the tune that comes unbidden into the mind, and then goes on to repeat and it’s outside of your conscious control of it.Two features seem to be rather predictive of whether a song will get stuck – and that’s rather long notes and intervals that are very close together.So this is quite interesting because it obviously makes a song easy to sing.

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