辛达雅思代报考位 :直到2018年6月12日上午雅思官网释放部分考位,在此提醒广大考生抓紧时间报名,注意自己的考试时间,如对雅思报名有任何疑问,欢迎咨询在线客服。
例词:firstly, second, next, then, now, later, since, eventually, finally…
考点:Three factors are involved in this change. First is an awareness of theseverity of the problem. Second, a number of resources to help tackle bullyinghave become available in Britain…Third, there is evidence that these materialswork, and that schools can achieve something.(C6, P94, T30选标题)
例词:another, the second, the most, the best…
考点:Most important of all, the traditional measures of‘risk’, such asparents’ age and education, or whether they were a single parent, bore little orno relationship to the measures of achievement and language development.(C5,P63, T12判断题)
解析:most important of all强调了最重要的事情,也就是文中比较重要的结论要出炉了。Singleparents是题目中的关键词,同样在这一句里出现了,我们可以利用对雅思阅读信号词的敏感度,快速抓住文章的考点,进行局部精读。
例词:in fact, in essence, in particular, emphasize…
考点:This, in essence, is the problem of modern sociobiology- to discover thedegree to which hard-wired genetic programming dictates…(C5, P21, T18信息包含题)
解析:信息包含题考察细节是在那个段落出现,在做此类题目时,要注意信号词与考点的密切相关性,从而迅速找准答案。这里出现了inessence(实质上),起了一定的强调作用,迅速扫读后,发现同时出现了题目关键词sociobiology,破折号后面的介词to是表目的与题目中的thegeneral aim of一致对应。
辛达代报在此提示广大考生根据官网考试时刻报名,合理安排自个的报名时刻,考生如对考试的时间、截止日期还有官网开释考位状况不清楚的,欢迎咨询在线客服(QQ:4003571 QQ:4005178 旺旺:xindatuofu 电话:13811803490、13811805490、13811806470、13811807490 微信:ixindacom),辛达代报预祝考生在考试中取得好成绩!
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