辛达雅思代报考位 :直到2018年4月17日上午雅思官网释放部分考位,在此提醒广大考生抓紧时间报名,注意自己的考试时间,如对雅思报名有任何疑问,欢迎咨询在线客服。
★ 雅思定位词在文章中出现的第一种也是最常见的一种变身是“同义替换”,这包含同义词或同义词组。
剑6,Test4的Q9:Kim Schaefer’s marketing technique may be open to criticism on moral grounds。题目中定位词为moral,在文章中定位,我们会在文章第三段中定位到“Selling pharmaceuticals is a daily exercise in ethical judgment”,而其中ethical即为moral的同义词。
剑4,Test3的Q9:Any street child can set up their own small business if given enough support.此判断题中定位词实际上是词组“set up their own small business ”,在文章中定位,我们会在文章中“Lessons learned” 的部分中定位到“Being an entrepreneur is not for everyone, not for every street child”。此处,文章中“Being an entrepreneur”即为定位词的同义词组。
perceive →sense evolve →develop detect →find
mortal →people unbiased → objective
limb → arm or leg waste→ unwanted material
resemble → look like dwelling → domestic building
★ 雅思定位词在文章中出现的第二种变身是“近义替换”,这包含近义词或近义词组。
剑7,Test1的Q8:However, even before this was understood, the principle had been applied in the design of instruments which calculated the ____ of the seabed。 此题为在原文中选词填空的摘要题,定位词为“calculate”和“seabed”, 在文章中我们会定位到“Before this was discovered, engineers had already built instruments to exploit the principle, for example to measure the depth of the sea under a ship”。此处“measure”即为“calculate”的近义词,而“sea”即为“seabed”的上义词。
salary → wage statement → comment
be gained from → derive from policy → initiative
valuable → important break down → subdivide
辛达代报在此提示广大考生根据官网考试时刻报名,合理安排自个的报名时刻,考生如对考试的时间、截止日期还有官网开释考位状况不清楚的,欢迎咨询在线客服(QQ:4003571 QQ:4005178 旺旺:xindatuofu 电话:13811803490、13811805490、13811806470、13811807490 微信:ixindacom),雅思代报预祝考生在考试中取得好成绩!
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